Hi Parveen, In my case, I actually have 80 pts where I already got the max points on offshore work experience of atleast 8 years. All the 8 years work experience has been validated and approved by Engineers Australia. I have already claimed the max points so regardless of my work changes, it won’t affect my claim and lodgement. Maybe for the ones having 3 or 5 years experience that can have additional 5 points if they turn to the required number of years, yes they need to update.
Visa Grant Delay 189
Hi Robin, anything related to Points is associated ONLY with Invitation right ? I dont think it hs got anything to do post-lodgment.
I agree with Nik, also this was the advice i got from my agent.
if you got invitation with 80 points and then you paid your fees… later your experience increased and in current state you are eligible for 5 points more. How would that make a difference since you are already invited to apply and have paid fees. It only matters for INVITATION and Not Post-lodgment.
This is correct, your position in the que won’t change if you gain additional points after the visa has been lodged. Maybe it’s just critical for those hanging at 65 points who are making work related transitions that might affect the work verification process. But the work related change would also be required to undergo skill assessment so the CO might probably junk it.
Thanks Nik, i agree with what you said, but CO can still contact right and ask anything about new job, right (even thought it may be senseless and baseless) but if he contacts that can cause unnecessary delay right? That was my worry, because my new promotion role was managerial and not aligned with my computer network role of 263111…
Yup and the invitation department works in isolation, therefore there is no requirement to prove or upload any document there. Its a clear cut simple system without any confusion as we all have for visa processing in general. Anybody can claim any number of points in invitation system by selecting all the best options - 15 years experience, married, naati, pte , whatever you like (SHOULD NEVER DO ) and the system will throw an INVITATION to you. The game begins when you have to prove all of what you have claimed for getting the invitation : so Praveen, you just have to prove what you have claimed for getting invite, rest any future changes are up to you whether you want to inform them and be as clear as possible or avoid the risk of unnecessary delay. I chose to inform them because “Change in circumstances” is an option available for a reason - that reason seems to be to help the immigration department in clearly validating your answers in FORM 80 against current situation.
Right Robin, points should matter only till invite, but their questions are not bound to any stage and they can ask anything, means anything, …i provided all documents of my wife, passport, national id, pan card,10th and college degrees, everywhere date of birth was mentioned but still the CO asked for birth certificate and since then complete silence…
Hmm to this I would say - take the role but dont inform the department as your answers in Form 80 will still stay consistent . You must have written : working as a “ABC Chief” from “2016 - Current”. Now you could become “XYZ Chief” in the same firm but can live without informing them. It would take tons of checks for them to reach to a point where they got to know about this somehow - If they are so thorough - I would say processing times should become 10 years - 25 years
Sad to say, these kind of things happen where you’ve submitted ALL documents you can think of then you get a CO contact to resend specific files. By the way, are you all guys aware on the changes made on the PTE exam result? There is now a exam number or something on the test result file, I just updated mine 2 weeks ago.
If we have selected send scores already, do we need to update anything with the exam number? I also Uploded a copy of my result although they only refer to PtE portal
I got it and that was my idea too, but my consultant said, if i don’t update them and if by chance the verification in current company happens, then they will come to know from HR that earlier i was working as “ABC chief” but now working as “xyz chief” and then the CO might ask why i didn’t updated them…that can cause a problem, trust me so frustrated with this process that have never happened in whole life before…i mean its dictatorship, and DHA is like “”“we won’t give you grant until we want and till then you can’t make any changes in your life as well, if you do, we might ask you more questions and if we ask questions then we can take 2-3 more months to comeback to your application and see you provided what we asked or not, and if we didn’t like it we might have more questions…”"""
Thats correct Parveen, if they have any doubt they will make a contact. Now its very hard to fill 100 pages without making an error or without missing out something they need, even if you do all of that correct there is still a chance that CO didn’t like the morning coffee or had a heated argument with his manager and can start making tons of contacts… pheww… it could also be that CO’s lead wants him to progress the files as he is too slow and he starts sending Contacts just to show “work in progress”. There are trillion combinations and tons of assumptions, thats why its best not to make your career dependent on this. If you are righht, take the best offer and enjoy. ( to update them or not is totally up to u )
I saw some guy that had a CO contact around October requesting for a copy of the PTE Result, In the PTE website, you can just send the result to DHA once, so I just downloaded the new PTE exam result format and gave it to my agent for updating in which he concurred.
I am completely with you on this, unknown deep dark place which no one knows whats happening inside ( but we are in it ) . That is the reason I decided to fill “change in circumstances” so that I can avoid ang contact regardinng that. As your position will be different, dont worry as they are not here to analyse your roles and responsibilities ( which is Engineers Australia or ACS’s job to do - and it is done and dusted )
Its the sad reality given all the time, money and effort we put through this but yeah, life must and will go on.
Now these are your choices and I hope you take the offer for new position and happy for you -
if you dont update change in circumstances, they will only do a validation about your existing position if all the documents are not sufficient ( in this option, make sure you have uploaded everything to reduce the probability of any doubt )
if you Update change in circumstances, in my view you are being honest and thats what department wants to see. If for any stupid reason they want you to stick to the same skillset forever then god bless us all ! ! ( but i dont think 189 has that condition, maybe Other visas have that condition where contributing to a particular skill area is mandatory and you need 6 months contract )
They should only challenge your new role if the visa condition tells them to do so. I haven’t heard anyone lose their job or switched to a new company and have got a refusal for that reason post lodgement. So my bet is - they want to see you are keeping them aware of your changes (honest) , 189 doesn’t have any such condition which forces you to stick to same skillset. Now if they cant refuse you for this, if they cant ask you to get a new ACS done, if they didn’t ask for a 6 months contract, if they cant ask you to get a new invitation : the only thing I see is the Honesty and Up-To-Date factor which reltes to “change in circumstances”
Hey, just my timelines as follow:
stated talking to a guy in July 2018
In relationship since Nov 2018
Living together since Feb 2019
I got my invite(didn’t add him) in March 2019
Lodged my 189 visa(without him) in April 2019
it’s been almost 10 months now, that we are living together as a couple: added him in my application in Nov 2019
Registered our relationship with BDM Victoria in Nov 2019
My Questions are as follow:
- What do we have to do next?
- Any paper work?
- Any documents?
- Adding his name to my application now won’t impact on my application, any comments?
- Any additional information to keep in mind.
Looking forward to hear from you guys. Thanks heaps
I was working as a coordinator (closely related to Business Analyst), promoted recently to be a Data Analyst (not in SOL). I have claimed 5 points for the 1 year period I worked as a BA, hence I updated my invitation to show my change in circumstances.