Visa Grant Delay 189

Hi all, I have lodged my 189 in july 2019 and currently on 485 visa. I am thinking to go to india for 2 months. Will there be any issues?


As per my knowledge, below are the different possibilities

  1. If you plan for baby now and recieve your grant before third trimester then you can plan delivery in Australia and baby becomes Australian citizen by default.
  2. If you dont recieve grant before third trimester, then you have to inform your CO about the changes in family by submitting form 1022 and your application will be on hold till the baby is born, later after delivery they will generate HAP Id for the new born and your application processing will start once you submit medicals of the baby.
  3. If you choose not to inform CO till third trimester, and if CO contacts for medicals before third trimester ( processing times are 22 months and medicals are valid only for one year. Sometimes CO might ask to do medicals again. This is purely up to CO. ) then you have to inform the department about the change as medicals can not be done during pregnancy and wait till the delivery.
  4. If you get grant before delivery but choose not to go Australia immediately and baby is born in India then you have to apply seperate child visa ( I am not completly aware of this process )

Please note that all the above information is as per my knowledge and it might not be perfectly correct



Hey there will be issued around your bridging visa if your 485 expires before you come back from India

victor, can you please share the department number to which we need to call for queries? if calling from overseas Thanks!

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Hi I am planning to come back in March and My 485 is expiring in june 2020. That will be alright?

Hi V_K, global processing times are indication that 75% of the applications will be processed by 11 months and 90% in 22 months. however, please note that current 189 grants have taken a back seat as Australia is clearly promoting regional visas ( 190’s) so, we ( all 189 ers) shouldn’t be surprised if the global processing times change again to cater the needs of regional visas. All we are doing in this forum is holding on to the wait while helping one another and sharing updates if any. please note that there are folks waiting from last year ( novemeber & december ) as well to receive the 189 grant and they will be completing an year of wait time already in a month or two. last 189 grant was on August 1st for an offshore applicant according to the immitracker website. if the applicant had lived in more than 3 countries, obviously the processing times will be longer. hope it helps and have a great weekend :slight_smile:


Thanks baru369 for your time in laying down the options for the needful :slight_smile:

Thanks a ton baru369. That was really helpful. So that means it will not be that big problem which is impossible to manage. There are ways to tackle it as you very well mentioned. I ll further research on the options you mentioned. :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks

One friend got the 190 visa today, few mins back, just got a call
Just sharing, so now the 190 queue is cleared till June 2019 at least, hope same for 189 soon

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Hi Parveen,

Not sure of the order in which Visas 190 are granted. As per immitracker, only 2 visas from May month are granted and then jumped in to month of June. As far as info that I have, many people who have logged their applications in months of March and April are still waiting for Grant. It is definitely a good sign of progress but we cannot conclude that 190 queue is “cleared till June 2019” :slight_smile:

Hi @Aj1_Australia, it’s 131881.

exactly, same goes with my consultant, he also says that better wait than to contact them.

Hi Guys, for anyone who was on 485 visa and is now on Bridging A visa ( while the 189 application is submitted ) - Do we need to change our private health cover? I am currently on Allianz OVHC and not sure if there is a new cover that I should have taken for bridging visa :frowning:

Hi Ram, Do we need to change our private health cover when Bridging Visa becomes active?

I was on allianz OVHC until now and haven’t changed anything.

Hi Buddy,

Thanks for sharing this piece of info and its really helpful. I have one question. Can you work for a different employer while holding 457 visa (or) the bridging visa which is an extension of your 457 visa?

The immiaccount reveals that the processing time has been changed to 18-33 months. My god ! So frustrating.



This is totally disgusting. :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

Thank you @Ram_Kashyap

Hi, actually you can cancel your private health cover if you want as you can apply for the medicare already.

Official Visa processing timeline still shows 11 to 22 months - not sure where we will end up ; this is really frightening
 Processing Time

75% of applications: 11 months

90% of applications: 22 months