How long does SC190 visa takes to get processed?

thats the disturbing part. at least 189 visas are granted in a systematic manner. 190 visas are being granted randomly it seems, we are all waiting since dec-april and people who have applied aug-nov are getting grants. how is that fair on us? and i don’t think they work one just one visa type at a time. but i do think , they prioritise certain visas to keep up with their published processing time.

I actually found someone from 189 who has lodged visa on Feb and received assessment commence email in June from the same CO as I did in Nov. We both are still waiting. I think COs change over time. It’s not one CO assigned for one case. It’s just so random and this randomness makes it unbearable. And the way they treat CO contacted cases such as you, is outrageous. There is no one to complain to.

24 Grants in 2 days in 189 and only 2 grants in 190, but something very strange all these 189 visas processed in around 300 + days , seriously DHA should do something for grants, actually Aus System taking around 2 years to make our grant happen , right from all assessments to the final G.

@sahil123 how do you get this info? about no. of grants / days

I did Analysis of 189 visa grants and 190 visa grants ( as in ppl getting 189 visas and 190 visas ) on my immi tracker

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The thing is, 189 processing time used to be 14 to 18 months and it changed to 11 to 13 months today. They were really behind in 189 and they are trying to catch up now. Yet, when it comes to 190, the cases are picked so randomly that applicants get really frustrated. Why move to Oct and Nov when still haven’t finished Feb to May? and even some left from Dec 2018. I am just sick of waiting.

got my grant today guys. hang in there, rest assured, you will get it soon too. lodged: 2nd april Co: nov 5 for pte and overseas education evidence. If you have provided all documents without fabricating anything, you have nothing to worry about, just a matter of time. if it makes you feel any better, I even had a minor criminal charge (cannabis) when i was a student in the US. anyway , good luck to you all, cheers.

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Congratulations!! Very nice

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Congratulations :blush:

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Congrats :slight_smile: wish you a wonderful journey ahead.

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Congrats :confetti_ball::champagne:

Immi has some kind of pattern to follow Just look at the previous year grants from JAN to MARCH 2019, select grant dates tab then will be able to understand 80% how immi works.

Hi All, I finally got my grant today. Lodged on 15 April, no CO contant whatsoever. Received an assessment commence email from Sally on 13 Nov, visa granted by Jennifer on 10 Feb. My experience, 1. it’s just useless to try to understand DHA’s pattern or system cause there’s really none. 2. COs change, I mean someone picks up your case, ticks some of the requirements off, then someone else follows that up. I assume that’s the cause for some of the chaos. 3. Waiting is really the only option available for the applicants given all the disarray going on in DHA.

Wish everyone here, receive the good news very soon :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations !! All the best, Thanks for your advise , lets hope we all get our grants soon.

i saw 07 grants today , hope DHA works like this on all working days , this way we will all get our grants soon:blush:

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Now immi is clearing backlogs thank god! good news for those who were once contacted by COs In October, November and December 2020 Mostly are those who lodged in April and onwards :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

can not see 190 grants in the last few days :relieved:getting worried Has anyone got a grant recently who is not on immitracker ??

Yes actually , no grants for 05-06 days , really worried , so many things in life on a stand still , Hope we get our grants

Finally Immi started picking up 190 (some got grants on 20/2/20) However, concentrating more on SEP, OCT , NOV applicants :thinking::face_with_monocle: Do not know when we will get ours ? Hoping for the best !

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Ya true Could not understand what’s happening

I submitted my application for 190 nsw on 25 May 2019. CO contact 25 November. No news since then.