Agreed with Robin. Better to upload now than risk a query from the case officer that can delay the grant another month or two.
Visa Grant Delay 189
I got my direct grant today! Lodged 10 March 2019. Direct grant for Registered Nurse. I added documents for tax purposes/employment verification 3 days before the grant just to safe so adding more documents does not slow it down.
HI, great news! Do you know something about his/er concentration? ANZSCO?
Congrats !!! Good luck on the next part of your journey. Kindly update the tracker for our reference as well. Thanks
Hi All,
I have been a silent observer so far.I have lodged my visa on March 12 for code 263111 and I have dependent application with me.No Co contacts so far.Any idea when can I expect the grant?
We can’t put an exact date for the grants. You just have to look at the trends and assume from there.
Another grant from February. Co contact in May.
What about January and December applicants? I didnt see any
Yes. So far no reports for December and January…
I lodged my application on 15Nov2018. CO contacted on 20Feb2019. Since then the application status is further assessment. So even the Nov applicants are also in waiting list.
Just hold on and keep the faith guys… Remember that there are still about 12000 backlogs in the pipe. That is more or less 5000 cases ( main + dependents). Complexities between cases varies from completeness of documents to CO’s mode of verification. Its always better to submit all available documents, this will help the CO review your case faster.
Total 9 grants and 1 CO contact in last three days as per immi tracker. Which is more than the count of last three months in this tracker, (surely more numbers outside this tracker). Indicates 189 applications came to radar now, 10 more days left before the holiday break, hope we get more number of grants.
Congrats ewrn61, I m also waiting since 10th april. I hv applied RN nec.
One more grant in today date…congrats Anarek
Thank you! 5 years long quest is over today. I’m still processing. Good luck everyone waiting and stay strong. The dynamics looks good this month. You’ll get there soon!
congrats cant imagine the feeling opening ur immi account to see a grant soooo exciting !! enjoy and good luck fingers crossed therest of us hear soon…
Congratulations Ana, but 5 years? How? Where things were stuck?
is it 5years. have seen you in tracker that lodgment date is Feb
Will they be able to touch march 31st applicants too?