Visa Grant Delay 189

This is what it looks like.

75 % goes to recent applications for new prioritised occupations (onshore)

90 % old applications for new prioritised occupations (onshore)

Many thanks

Need some help guys

I have access to immi account when I login I can see messages TAB and last updated . Now the questions is If I get the CO contact , do I see change messages / last update time ?

As the the communication email is for my account is with our consultancy

So I want to be sure that I don’t miss any communication. These days I’m not in touch with them

I wouldn’t worry about it
It looks like they try to e-mail you both
Your agent and yourself
I can’t confirm on this though

I just can only speak from my own experience

Anybody who has had a similar or different experience on this
could you please share it with us to make sure that’s what they normally do

I need a sugestion, since my PCC is already expired and there isn’t any feedback from my CO. i did my PCC from AFP by myself and i got it. So should i update the PCC myself or wait for the CO contact. Note: what section do i attach it in immiaccount.

Congratulations! I had applied under the same occupation code in March 2019, but still waiting. I guess you got the advantage of being onshore. Anyhow, this is good to know they are processing 233513 occupation as well. Again, congratulations to both of you!

I believe you should proactively upload the updated PCC. You may attach in the same section where you had attached the previous PCC, i.e. “Character, Evidence Of”

Yes, the messages tab will be updated if they have sent any correspondence mails to the email address provided.

@Cachito Thanks for lead on this forum.

Shall we only keep Australia PCC up to date since not traveled outside or everything else too ?

A PR granted in 2 weeks.

Hi Guys,

My Case is pending from March 2019, I received CO query on 6 Feb 2020 and submitted doc requested on 13 Feb 2020. I haven’t heard anything from Case Officer. Is there any way other than waiting.

This is similar to my timeline. I have heard nothing since. Based upon the processing times of the 189 being reduced it seems like they are expediting onshore applicants. I think we just have to wait until the borders open now. It is really unfair but I don’t think it will change.

We r critical due to our offshore status

I don’t know if this is sarcasm. But no we are clearly not a priority at all anymore. It seems that onshore applications are being granted extremely quickly. The longer this goes on, the worse it gets As it is eating into the qouter. I’m expecting mine won’t be granted until after July 2021.

Unless you’re in the New Zealand stream, in which case you’re just plain ignored.

I am an onshore applicant and waiting over 13 months without any communication. Its just a myth to assume all onshore applications prioritised. They are prioritising critical job codes and if the applicant happened to be onshore, it might come first in queue.

I mentioned above

This is what it looks like.

75 % goes to recent applications for new prioritised occupations (onshore)

90 % old applications for new prioritised occupations (onshore)

Statistics for 189 grants for month of July 2020 shows 544 grants. Surprisingly only 2 grants have been reported for 189 on immitracker for month of July

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Hi, I am onshore and my spouse is offshore. He is the main applicant and I am the dependant. We applied for the SC 189 in September 2018. Had a couple of requests from the DHA for additional information (one in December 2018 and one in March 2019) which we fulfilled but since then there is no contact from the CO or the department. Interestingly the ‘last updated’ section on the immiaccount for our application says December 2018 - shouldn’t it be March 2019? The uncertainty is horrible. Anyone experiencing the same? Can we do anything?