Dear All/Experts,
I have submitted my PR application on 06-Jan-2018. My account met the requirement of POF. It has been a month and this is my running bank account, and lots of thing can happen. I will try explain.
When I submit my file my account was showing 24000 CAD. This money stayed there for a while and then account started to run as it usually do.
As this is my running account and I had to pay fees, living and bills etc with this account, and this slightly went down like to 23,000. Lets says POF requirement is now 23,181 and it went down to 22800 or 22000. Hardly 500-1000 CAD variation. Then I sold something and put it back to above POF requirement. Right now the POF required money is there in my account.
Will this be acceptable? I mean whenever or if they ask again for statement, the money will sure be there, but will show these minor variation, slightly go down and then back. But at last whenever they ask, the money they required will be there.
I will not be waiting for them to ask for statement and then put the money back, I know when it is going down and I am recovering it fast to be back above POF requirement. Will it work this way?