Will Spouse Education and Professional Experience effect the IMMI Process?

I have received EOI invite for 261111 (ICT Business Analyst) with a total of 70 Points. My spouse dropped out of college after 3 years and did not finished his B.Tech. He has been working as a freelance consultant since then for about 10 years. Most of his Payments are in cash and a very few by account transfer, also there are absolutely no payslips. He files his IT returns under money earned from consultation and is usually in non-taxable slab. 1 - Should his incomplete education be mentioned in Immi? 2 - Should we show his Work Experience in Immi or Just mention as not working? 3 - In case Work Experience is to be shown, how should we show it and which documents are required for the same? 4 - Will these circumstances affect our visa in any way?