Visa Grant Delay 189

same here

Thanks again, I have access to my account. I will upload too :slight_smile: .


Australia in doubt of reopening with new strain propelling hahaha.

OVERREACT. Nothing can do with this.

Question pls
what if during this ridiculously long wait
one’s age has exceeded the upper ceiling being over 32 yrs old?

Don’t worry. that will not affect anything. you are safe.

After lodgement the points are frozen. You shouldn’t worry about age.

It is the fact that border opening is delayed now.

I used the the word OVERREACT for the politicians not for you.

Never mind. The federal elections are just around the corner :grimacing:

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I think green will win. As people are fed up with all this. 2 years really they don’t care.

Greens don’t stand a chance bro. Scomo will win again. He has accumulated votes on our sacrifices :neutral_face: and the funny thing is that there is no one who cares about us.

you are absolutely right. did you consult any agent about offshore visas processing??

All we 189 ppl can do at the current stage is to keep writing messages to those callously shrewd politicians
guys we gotta keep pushing them to CARE

don’t know whether they will start to process the offshore applications as PR benefits from next month will be revoked.

Look at this FOI. Interesting facts.

Thanks @H.Singhkamboj for sharing. Very long document. No processing time for offshore candidate in FOI and there is very less number of offshore applications for 189.

they are not granting to offshore people that is a reason for non availability of processing time.

just wondering if anyone’d be interested in creating a whatsapp chat group? :wink:

I’ve heard others say this but cannot find out what these benefits are. Could you please elaborate on this?