Reference Letter: Question - Digital Signature.
We have managed to get one that is system generated and digitally signed. It has all the key information such as -Employed since, full name and emp. ID, no. of hours/week, current designation, current responsibilities - all of this on letter head having company’s address and contact mentioning date and ref. letter number.
2 queries -
It has digital signature - which means I can’t combine the pdf with others if I need to upload some other document eg. salary slips/compensation letter etc. How do I sort this ?
Since it a standard letter generated by system, the reason for getting it is provided as higher studies which is mentioned at the end of letter. Well, this is an extra and irrelevant line in the letter - will this be a problem ?
Through this we could avoid all HRs and other unwanted things.
Should I do something else instead ?
Please advice and thanks !