Quite a few May 2019 sc309 applications were finalised in February 2020. Has yours been finalised yet?
A selection of subclass 309 finalisations in February 2020.
Processing times are shown from the initial 309 application date.
- 309 Finalised after 3.5 months. Passport: USA. Processed at: Washington, USA.
- 309 Finalised after 3.6 months. Passport: Turkey. Processed at: Ankara, Turkey.
- 309 Finalised after 8.7 months. Passport: Netherlands. Processed at: Berlin, Germany.
- 309 Finalised after 9.1 months. Passport: India. Processed at: New Delhi, India.
- 309 Finalised after 10.1 months. Passport: Nepal. Processed at: Nepal.
- 309 Finalised after 10.3 months. Passport: India. Processed at: New Delhi, India.
- 309 Finalised after 10.4 months. Passport: India. Processed at: .
- 309 Finalised after 10.6 months. Passport: India. Processed at: New Delhi, India.
- 309 Finalised after 10.6 months. Passport: Zimbabwe. Processed at: Berlin, Germany.
- 309 Finalised after 10.7 months. Passport: India. Processed at: Melbourne.
- 309 Finalised after 11.4 months. Passport: UK. Processed at: London, UK.
- 309 Finalised after 11.7 months. Passport: India. Processed at: India.
- 309 Finalised after 12.1 months. Passport: India. Processed at: New Delhi, India.
- 309 Finalised after 12.1 months. Passport: ?. Processed at: New Delhi, India.
- 309 Finalised after 12.4 months. Passport: India. Processed at: India.
- 309 Finalised after 17.6 months. Passport: Nigeria. Processed at: Pretoria, South Africa.
- 309 Finalised after 22.2 months. Passport: Malaysia. Processed at: ?.
The above sample of actual times shows: 75% under 12 months and 10% over 17 months
But it also shows that 25% took under 8.5 months.
Interesting to compare to the official times for last month, Jan 2020.
Jan 2020: 14-19 = 75% took up to 14 months. 10% took over 19 months.