Nurses for 189/190

How can a nurse who is registered in India, currently working in Qatar qualify for Australian immigration? Do they need to first register and also pass the language test before they can get skills assessment done?

Please see the below:

ANMAC’s Skilled Migration Services assesses the skills of nurses and midwives who want to migrate to Australia under the Australian Government’s General Skilled Migration program. We determine if an applicant has the nursing or midwifery qualifications and experience needed for permanent migration to Australia.

ANMAC is the independent assessing authority authorised by law to conduct these assessments for the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

Hope it helps!

Thanks. I have seen this. But ANMAC needs NMBA registration as a pre-requisite

I guess you are right, here it says:

Difference between ANMAC (immigration) and NMBA (registration) assessments

ANMAC takes into consideration work experience in assessing an applicant’s qualifications, which is then used to determine suitability for skilled migration. Under the National Law, the NMBA can only take into account an applicant’s qualifications when establishing whether their qualifications are substantially equivalent to an Australian qualification. This is why some applicants may be approved for skilled migration but do not meet the registration requirements of the NMBA.