I have submitted my PR application on 10 Dec 2018 and cleared my medical recently in Jan 2019. My application is in IP1 stage. In my application, I claimed 3 years of work experience. However, I recently have come to believe that I may have made an error in calculating the duration I spent working, and that the total time spent working might be a few days less than 3 years.
Though this is an honest mistake, I am concerned that it might be interpreted as an attempt at misrepresentation , and that I might get a rejection and a ban from visiting Canada in the future. My questions are as below
Is it possible for me to withdraw my application at this time and re-enter the Express Entry pool with the correct details?
In case my application is rejected, will I be able to re-apply with the correct details or will this lead to a ban?
I have already emailed the cic and am deciding whether to raise a CSE