Medical results status changes

Hi there,

My medical results changed to " You have passed the medical exam on Nov, 12 2019" last night. When I login account this morning, it changed to “You do not need a medical exam. We will send you a message if this changes.”. Is is normal?


Update: the status changed back to MEP with a different date “November 15, 2019 You passed the medical exam” surprisingly today

Hey, i just want to share with you my situation which is somehow similar, my medical passed on November 6th, after I upload some documents (police) on November 12th my medical change it to “you dont need…” my best guess is that it’s a glitch but we have to wait

Hi Lces,

Thanks for your sharing! I received another MEP with different date today. Please see my update. It’s kind weird.

Well, that’s good! I’ll share any update in my application hopefully soon. I know the whole process will take a while but it’s always good to advance small steps in the process.