*** May 2020 AOR - Join here ***

Hi Everyone,

Congratulations for submitting your eAPR and becoming part of May 2020 AOR gang.

This thread is to assist everyone with questions in relation to process tracking, trends, processing timelines concerns and just to get together and plan the upcoming move over to Canada while trying to understand when to expect your PPR.

Good luck!

I will be sharing some statistics below to help you with the process.

Please submit your questions here and will do my best to answer those!

All the best and see you in Canada!

May’20 AOR whatsapp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Cuz6PLFLKqk0OUuU39ug8V

This link is not working. Could you please post correct link here.

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Please I would like to know what it means if an application status changes from IP2 to IP1

Visa Office is Accra AOR is May 2020 Medicals Passed July 2020 Biometrics Completed August 2020

For a long time, the Background check was reading “We are processing your background check. we will send you a message if we need more information." Then I got two Ghost Updates within two weeks and now suddenly changed back to “Your application is in progress. We will send you a message when we start your background check.”

Really curious why this change.

Hi. The Whatsapp link is not working. Can you please repost. AOR May 2020 here… so would like to join the group