Lost with my NOC CODE

Dear All,

I am really lost choosing my Noc Code, I worked as a Scheduling Coordinator and I do not know which code to choose. My main duties in the company are:

  • Planning the agenda and prepare a health program for the patients after the reservation process.
  • Provide advises and consulting services for the patients about all of the treatments and which health program would be suitable.
  • Plan and organize work schedule, procedures and treatments.
  • Setting, scheduling, cancellation appointments.
  • Maintain and update health of information to the wellness area and clinic area.
  • Continuous assistance and problem solving.
  • Inform and explain the clinic policy and general rules.
  • Billing assistance.

I am lost, and when I look for the non code of a scheduling coordinator, this is the result 1215 - Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations: The main duties are totally different…

I would appreciate your help, Thank you so much