Hello to all, i hope all are doing well. i need some guidance regarding the additional points of regional development for the MPNP program. My brother lives in Canada and he will invite on the nominee basis. I calculate my MPNP EOI points and it is around 525 points but these points are not enough for the immigration. I want to know about regional development points which are 50 points. I have a few queries. Can you please help me to resolve these queries.
- can I get 50 additional points of regional if i selected another city rather than my brother’s city? 2 Also if my brother would live in another city rather than Winnipeg for 6 months can i get those 50 additional points?
- as my brother is currently living in Winnipeg. Do my brother need to relocate from Winnipeg to another city for securing those 50 regional points for me?
Please help me to resolve my queries. Also if could anyone give me any valuable suggestion about how to claim these 50 points it would be a huge help for me. Thank you.