How to contact Adelaide GSM Team

I want to contact CO, please guide how to contact other then email as i send email but no reply.
0061 1300 364 613
yes mate. they never respond with email and even you call them...after 1 hour waiting they did not explain more than that your immi account detail...i do not think so they would remind the case officer because my time is over the processing time given by DIBP and two times call..but still waiting waiting than nothing else...god knows the suffering ....
@baga i heared that we can request them for an update, one of my friend called them and requested them to put a note on his case them i am concerned about my application please update for my case. If you request for a update then there is SLA for CO and they have to reply within that SLA. I dont know if this is true or not.
Dear Zain, i am not able to reach this number can you double check if this number is correct