Hi all.....can anyone suggest how long i hv to wait if i hv submitted 189 in april 2019.....till now no update

How long i hv to wait fr grant of 189 if lodged in april 2019

Thank you

I would suggest to use Grant Estimator tool:


Minimum 6 Months and maximum 8 Months.

I lodged in first week of March. Till a couple months back, most experienced folks told me that you will get an update in the 4th month. However, I am about to complete 6 months and not even a CO contact.

What’s even worse is that, if a CO contact is made after 7-8 months, the case is automatically pushed by another 4-6 months as per processing times we have seen since April 2019.

It seems after 3rd week Feb lodged dates, something happened and everything just froze. Something’s definitely going on. In Aug only 100 invites were sent. The number should have been at least 1000. May be the department is deliberately slowing things down.

We need insights from a very experience forum member (if at all they happened in the recent past).

The average time is over in my case…

feeling the same way as I submitted on 5 March and havent heard anything from them.

I lodged on feb7th and co contact may 6th asked medicals previous one expired responded and did medicals on may 15th till now i did not get any reply or grant… its very hard to wait

No mate. We applied the same in Feb month and still waiting for the update. The waiting time is 7 to 8 months now. So you might receive update after Nov.

I lodged in second week of March 2019. Till a couple months back, most experienced folks told me that you will get an update in the 4th month. Know in my IMMI account global prossesing time is 11th to 22 months and not even a CO contact.

Valuable reply needed Thank you

they changed waiting duration to 11-22 months but I am not sure this is the case for already lodged applications. I also lodge my application in April 2019, when I asked my consultant about this 11-22 months issue, they informed me that the waiting duration for my case is still 7-8 months in the system. not much to do, just wait and see.

I have lodged the application on 12/12/2018 and submitted pcc/medicals on july 24th 2019 per CO ask. Nothing happened after that. Not sure how long I need to wait. Is there a way to ask them on how long it is gonna take ?