Draw 192 (CEC) - Eligible and ITA not yet received

Dear Experts-

I have created my EE profile on June 9th 2021. Got a score of 388. After my submission It mentioned that You are a candidate. We will send you a message if you are invited to apply and that I meet the minimum entry criteria.

The EE draw #192 (CEC) happened on June 10th 2021. Anyone with score above 368 are being invited.

It’s been more than 48 hours and I did not receive my invite yet. I am regularly checking my mail and the profile page has no messages. On the profile it still says you do not have an invitation to apply at this time.

I read that we need to wait for 24-36 hours for the ITA mail and to see new messages in the profile. In this case more than 60 hours have passed. What should I do. Please advise.
