Changing ANZSCO code from 261314 to 261313 in ACS

Hi, I am new here, so don’t know if posting in the right thread or not. I have few questions as below. Experts, please guide me on these.

1- I have applied for ACS and got positive for ANZSCO code 261314. Now since, it doesn’t have options for 189 Visa, I am planning to re-file my ACS for ANZSCO 261313, as there is no chance to file 189 Visa with Anzsco 261314.

What should I give in the clarification for the same so it won’t affect my ACS?

2- The same thing I did in my wife’s ACS also as she is also working and in the same field as I am. Do I need to re-apply for her as well, or will it work if only I change it for myself?



You have to go for acs reassessment and make sure your new roles match with 261313. Please refrain from submitting fake roles and responsibilities as they may/may not recheck with you employer. Also normally if you have worked in automation testing which involves coding , they will give you a positive outcome.

For your wife , yes you will have to reapply for her as well if you want to claim points in 189 category.