190 Subclass visa to South Australia - Anyone gets invitation for 131112 Sales and Marketing Manager

The estimated time to get the grant was decreased from 7/9 months to 5/7 . i just would like to check if anyone got the grant during the past 3 months .

Lodging date : November 2019 Health and Police Clearance done during February 2020 and before the pandemic and the lockdown . Wish me Luck … Please 10x

Hey Ahmad,

Not that I know.

Question, do you live in Riyadh? I know someone with your name!

Yes whos this

I was mistaken, his name is Ihab Dalati… sorry:/

He’s my brother :grinning::grinning: Are u working at Twitter :grinning::grinning: If u need more details about the topic u can communicate with me through social media or my email ahmaddalati82@gmail.com All Social Media name : Real Dalaxi