OINP 2019 e-APR Status

Hi All,

My application was submitted on 5-Oct and in no time, the MEP got updated on 28-Oct. Got a request for additional documents (simple declaration) on 24-Oct which was submitted in a couple of days. Ever since, my application has not changed status. Just says Background verification in process.

Have not received and “ghost updates” in the form of emails.

Is it usual for Background verification to take this long? I’m a 33 y/o Indian living in UAE.

Is there someway i can know better the status of my application? a number to call or an email to write to? or even a WhatsApp support group?

Regards, AA

I am not sure if you’ve read, background check will never go into completed. See here:

Hi @Andy-MyImmiTracker, I did read. I have been checking my profile everyday and neither have i seen the status moving from submitted to anything else nor do i get any emails stating i have received a message. As mentioned, this is not visible to everyone. I guess i am in the rare list.

Tried reaching out to IRCC over the phone but couldn’t get through.