Group name: COVID pace

Hi there,

CEC applicant (AoR November 2019) needs help :slight_smile: I recently got GCMS notes (3rd I ordered so far) and I talked with an agent from Client Support center (approximately a month ago), so I know that I have passed eligibility, criminality, security and medical.

Contrary to my previous GCMS notes, new section (GROUP NAME) appeared in the newest one (see below):


Does anyone here knows what this “COVID pace” means? I would appreciate to hear someone else’s thoughts.

Thanks in advance!

Hi, I have this exact same thing in my gcms too. Did you figure what it means? Thanks in advance!

I noticed that I have got the same thing in my GCMS as well.I hope someone knows the answer. Are you guys Inland application ?

Hey there,

I was an inland applicant (CEC) and my PR application was approved several days ago. So, I think group name “Covid pace” means that they will finalize applications by applying COVID-specific set of rules (including processing speed). For inland applicants, no landing is needed. You directly get letter confirming your PR status.

Same here, all assessments passed, but instead of having "Ready for Approval " Officer added my file to group 2-TPLFJMO

Polaris When did you submit you profile? Is your biometrics done?

Hi there,

I submitted my Express entry profile in May 2019, got invitation at the beginning of November 2019, submitted my PR application on November 21st, 2019, passed medical on December 10, passed Criminality at the beginning of March, and all the rest at the beginning of April. My PR application was approved on June 5th, 2020. I never did biometrics. I saw from GCMS notes that they have my fingerprints on file. I believe that they read them directly from my passport (I have a biometric passport) when I first entered Canada (2 years ago I came here on working permit, and I never exited Canada since that time). I do not have to do the landing. IRCC just issued Instruction letter stating I am a PR now, and I can use that virtual document to claim my rights until I receive my first PR card. So, now I wait for PR card.

Hope this help!


Did you figure it out?

Same group here 2-TRG34LC

Hi folks, I am CEC inland with March 12 Aor. I recently received my GCMS notes and as per the notes I have been tagged to the CN Covid pace group. And the recent notes state ***PACE***FINDEC pending.

Any idea what this group is and on what basis are some applications tagged to this group ? Not sure if all inlanders are tagged to the group.

Hi, even I was added to the same group. Do you know what are the repercussions of being added to the group ? I am cec inland, aor March 12

I have the same thing on my notes : CN COVID PACE and Pending Findec. Not sure what this means.

I’m an FSW Outland. My AOR is Nov 2019.


did you place in CN covid group? and did you got pr already?

heyy…did you get your pr?